Game Studies & Design
This class taught students methods to create balanced game mechanics and rules while maintaining player engagement. For one project, the class utilized the ruleset for Dungeons & Dragons, 5th edition, and I worked with my twin sister, Tessa Joyce, to create a short adventure for a four person party of about 7th level. The adventure gives the party to explore Hevstyr Keep, an ancient once-abandoned keep, now the home of an evil dracolich called Venenirith.
MAGD 487
A class designed to add a project to our portfolios. I teamed up with my twin sister, Tessa Joyce, to create a special party of adventurers inspired by Dungeons & Dragons characters, each connected to spirits both malovelent and benevolent, gather to help one another achieve their goals.

3D Modeling II
A collection of works from my 3D Modeling II class, where we studied character design with Maya.
This project is currently in the works, but will be done midway through December of 2020. Stay tuned!